Monday, July 18, 2011

Junction, TX, and some backyard birds

Maybe the heat is getting to me, but I just realized I didn't post all my Junction photos from MAY (oops)... so here goes. I loved the Junction area, it was rugged and interesting, but hot.I enjoyed all the birds, so here are a few, starting with the Black Crested Titmouse.
House finches brightened up the trees...
... and Lark Sparrows were foraging on the ground.
Junction is known for the deer - even the cactus looked like deer!!
YEA - a black headed grosbeak!
If you look closely you will see a tiny black chinned hummingbird, playing in the sprinkler!!
This is a young Vermilion Flycatcher, they were pretty common here.
Good thing this lizard was only about 8" long and not any bigger!
Blue gray gnatcatchers were flitting around up in the trees nonstop.
Painted Buntings were maybe the most abundant birds in the area, and absolutely lovely.
The Western Scrub Jays were a beautiful blue.
Lots of vireos in the woods, here is the yellow-throated vireo. I looked desperately for the black capped vireos, which were heard but not seen.
Here is a nice clay colored sparrow. I have become a major sparrow fan.
Out west we have the lesser Goldfinch, sporting a beautiful coat. All the birds seemed especially brilliantly colored.
This is a teen-aged Orchard Oriole male.
These Yellow breasted Chats were fairly common here too.
Here is a Texas specialty, the jackrabbit!
Here is a beauty, the black throated sparrow.
Ok, now I will switch to today. At 6pm it had cooled down to 93 so I went outside to see what I might find in the back yard. First, here is a Texas Star hibiscus, a native beauty.
Yep, the cardinals were enjoying my feeders.
I have a gang of White winged doves that kind of intimidates the other birds.
I also had a family of Inca Doves.
Young Blue Jays were feasting at the feeders too.
Something caught my eye overhead - woa, it was a Mississippi Kite soaring over the yard!

The young Mockingbird was learning how to destroy my figs, one bite at time.
I liked this picture of the White Winged Dove showing off the white!
Well, that was all taken in a few minutes in the backyard. Hmm, where will she go for the next birding trip?