Sunday, August 26, 2012

 Here  are a few photos from my recent trip to the Buffalo, NY area.  Birded a little at Beaver Meadow Audobon Center and liked this scene so much I made it my facebook cover photo.

 I have always loved Robins, but this little guy has stolen my heart.

What is she feeding them? 

My next home improvement project will be a pond , would love to have one like this!
 Mom & I enjoyed watching the bull frogs...

but I think it enjoyed watching us as well, I found our reflection in one's eye!!
 Ah, coolness, like spring for me.
 Notice the beautiful centers.
 I know it is invasive but Queen Anne's lace is beautiful.
 Here is a savannah sparrow feasting on a green bug,
 and a chipping sparrow.

Then we discovered Sinking Ponds Wildlife Sanctuary was minutes away from our hotel, so we spent some time there too.  We found it loaded with birds, including this American Crow.

 This little guy was in the cemetery behind the hotel.
 Has the Tufted Titmouse not see a human before?  Who is watching whom?

 Here is the Black Capped Chickadee, bigger cousin to the Carolina Chickadees I have in my yard.
 Mama is working hard to feed the kids...

 The Canada Geese were looking for a handout.
 We did some car birding in the rain, here is the Eastern Wood Pewee.
 Catbirds don't seem to mind the rain as much as cats.
The Baltimore Oriole was just singing in the rain.

 The Belted Kingfisher was just hanging out in the rain.

 He had a beautiful territory.
Zillions of mallards were hanging out at Sinking Ponds.

 Ah, the Kingfisher has some lunch!
 How do I get this down?

 Sure was a peaceful spot.
 How fun to be a House finch and not care about gravity!

 Life was happening here!

 Beautiful male American Goldfinch!

 We were always in the watchful eye of the begging geese...
 I think this was the Pewee.

 Ground hog?

 It is always refreshing to stop and take a close look at the beauty of nature.

 I forget how many species of ferns they had at Beaver Meadows, but they were neat too.

 Is it that time of year already?
 Back home, found this beauty in the back yard.