Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Great fall migration

I immensely enjoyed a great day of birding yesterday at THE best migrant trap on Galveston Island.  We have had an invasion of Red-breasted Nuthatches with the latest cold front.   Hmmm, do they know a cold winter is coming?
 Here is the beautiful Magnolia Warbler, ready to get a drink.

 Ruby-crowned Kinglets were everywhere!  Notice the ruby "slippers" too!
 What a gorgeous bird !  The Black-Throated Green Warbler.

 Another Maggie...
 ...and another RC Kinglet.

What a beautiful tail!

 There were 2 Yellow-Bellied Sapsuckers near the drips.
 This is too cute!

The woods were full of these little tooters!

Mmmmmm a Blue-Headed Vireo gave me a split second view!

 Northern Parula's were still here.

But the most exciting for me was this Black-throated Blue Warbler.


There was also one Wilson's Warbler...

 ...and one Indigo Bunting.
 I saw one White-Eyed Vireo.

Ok, I was enthralled with the Nuthatches, first ones I have ever seen way down here.

Nothing common about the Common Green Darner.

 I thought these White-Winged Doves looked cool up there.

And there were tons of American Redstarts, all females.

 What a day!
Check out the chiropractor bound Great Egret...
 Any day with a Hooded Warbler is a good day!

In all I think I counted 11 warbler species, and 3 vireo species.  I wish them well on their southbound journey!