Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Beautiful fall day

Not the greatest light for photos but was "great" to see this Great Horned Owl while I was going for a jeep ride.  It flew off but I relocated it a minute later.

 This brave blue jay was successful at running off the owl.

 Roosting turkey.
 Spotted Towhee
 What is going on with the Prickly Pears?
 Lots of young turkeys around.
 Looks like another owl but just a log :)
 These are the ever diligent harvester ants.
 Wish I knew what kind of flower this is.
 I could hear lots of sparrows in the field, brought in by a weak cool front.

 What kind of spider is this?
 YAY!  A western Scrub Jay!

 Someone is watching!
 Kind of like life, you never know what is around the bend.