Monday, January 5, 2015

Jefferson co, TX

Enjoyed the cool weather and did some car birding in Jefferson Co, Tx.  One of our first birds of the day was this unexpected White-tailed Hawk, I think a 2nd year immature bird.
 Lots of snow geese and a few Ross's.
 Savannah sparrow
 Cute white crowned sparrow.
 YAY!!  A merlin landed near the car.
 Loggerhead shrike
 This is the merlin in flight.  What beautiful wings!
 White crowned sparrow adult. Handsome!!!
 White crowned sparrow, youngster.

 Drama in the sky, as one Bald Eagle tries to steal the catch of another.
 Bald eagles liked this tree overlooking fields filled with 1000's of geese.

 Herring gull flyover
 1000's of geese, mostly snowy.
 Nice assortment of geese

 Vesper sparrow
 Immature bald eagle
 This one had caught something and was eating it on the ground.
 I am not totally sure but think this is a 2nd year white tailed hawk
 What was this White Pelican doing out in the field?

 Monk parakeets
We were caught in a vortex of cowbirds!!