Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Autumn in Chicago, part 2

Leaves were dropping everywhere!

Enjoying Russian tea time!

A white-throated sparrow!

Isn't this tree neat!!!

Here is a happy Aunt with 2 excellent birders who happen to be her nephews!

Woa, a red-tailed hawk up in the tree!

Interesting braided tree.

This is the first time in my life I have photographed a bald eagle in flight. Check out the beak!!

This is an immature bald eagle, who hovered overhead and posed for me!! Wow. These can have a 7' + wingspan!!

"Yet those who hope in the Lord will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles, they will run and not get tired, they will walk and not become weary." Is. 40:31

October in Chicago!

Hope no one is home in this wasp nest!

Downy woodpecker.

This naughty squirrel has been snacking on someone's pumpkins...

Weather forecast said "two inches of leaves" and they weren't kidding.

Wow, the colors are amazing!!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Kingfisher and spoonbills!

What a lovely bird this belted kingfisher is. He was guarding PHS also, he flew up, hovered, and plunged into the water to catch something.

What a treat to see these near PHS!

Then I saw a few more spoonbills in Mary's Creek!

Monday, October 19, 2009

A little cooler for riding tonight

A pleasant surprise to see scissor-tailed flycatchers in Independence Park, I have never noticed them before. Amazing what is out there if you are looking!!!!

This tri-colored heron was guarding his territory!

This White Ibis pair were feeding near PHS, I love the reflections .

Glad the weather is cooling off a little!

I was able to finally finish the garden fence.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Well, I was tired this evening and almost didn't go for my bike ride... I am glad I did. First I saw this Black-Bellied Whistling Duck pair, near PHS.

Then I noticed it was a FAMILY.

Dad was keeping watch, you never know what is lurking in the shadows.

Speaking of shadows...

Oh my!! He was rooting around, eating bugs I think. It was pretty windy but I think he was wounded because he seemed to be limping.

I have never really closely observed a skunk before, he is a striped skunk.

Looks nice and soft - anyone want to pet it?

This is one of those moments when I am REALLY thankful for my ZOOM lens.

Boy that is a long tail :)

Check this out!
And here is the sneaky shrike , waiting for his next victim...
Good thing I decided to go for my ride!! I would have hated to have missed all these little creatures tonight.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

a few photos on a muggy night

After all this rain, my angel trumpet is very happy.

Yes! An Osprey guarding the rentention pond on John Lizer Road!

Can't remember if I posted this cute little shrike from last week. Well, cute, unless he happens to impale you on a fence or stick...