Saturday, October 17, 2009

Well, I was tired this evening and almost didn't go for my bike ride... I am glad I did. First I saw this Black-Bellied Whistling Duck pair, near PHS.

Then I noticed it was a FAMILY.

Dad was keeping watch, you never know what is lurking in the shadows.

Speaking of shadows...

Oh my!! He was rooting around, eating bugs I think. It was pretty windy but I think he was wounded because he seemed to be limping.

I have never really closely observed a skunk before, he is a striped skunk.

Looks nice and soft - anyone want to pet it?

This is one of those moments when I am REALLY thankful for my ZOOM lens.

Boy that is a long tail :)

Check this out!
And here is the sneaky shrike , waiting for his next victim...
Good thing I decided to go for my ride!! I would have hated to have missed all these little creatures tonight.

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