Sunday, May 15, 2011

GREAT birding in Galveston

Funny how a north wind always blows me down to Galveston!! I am in the process of going through hundreds of photos from my great trip to Junction, but in the meantime I had to get one more birding adventure in Galveston since this may be the last one of the spring migration. Had a great day, and I hope you enjoy these photos. First, a lovely female American Redstart.This gal is a Bay Breasted Warbler, downing a bug. She certainly deserves it after the long flight in!
The male is amazing with these colors!
I am sorry but this Magnolia Warbler is just amazingly beautiful! WOW!
Am I getting "the look" ???? We had a nice rain 2 days ago, for the first time in months! I didn't remember these huge flowers being in my special woods - but the yellow warblers loved gleaning bugs from here. Seeing these beautiful birds in the flowers was just good medicine for me!

This is my kind of bouquet!

Love it!
I saw the yellow hat so this must be a Chestnut sided Warbler!
What happens if you use a flash on a Red-eyed Vireo? He gets blue eyes!!HAHAHere is what they are supposed to look like!
EEKS, an empid.... I think this is a yellow bellied flycatcher - but who knows. He sure is cute!
OH, I was hoping to see a Blackburnian Warbler!
I shot these photos in raw and really liked the detail that came through - even on this Black & White Warbler. They really are incredible birds, aren't they!
The Gulf is nice and blue on days with the north wind. Lots of Brown Pelicans fishing.

Well, I hope to get some of my Junction photos up soon so stay tuned!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

loving the migration

Well, I have to say I have enjoyed some great birds lately... the weather has been so nice lately I have been out in the woods :) Here are some of my pictures from the past 2 weeks. First and maybe my favorite, was this very out of range LAZULI BUNTING near Abilene, Tx. It was hanging out near a small pond with a Painted Bunting. I suspect the wildfires in the south may have had something to do with this, but it sure made my day!It is always nice to spot a wild turkey out the window!
The weather in the Galveston area has been windy and NO RAIN... but if you go birding on a day when a front is passing through, the area is loaded with great birds such as this chestnut sided warbler.

I love it when the warblers land nearby. This is a Magnolia.
Some may call this the Common Yellowthroat, but I don't get tired of it!
Another Magnolia!
There is nothing quite like the song of the Baltimore Oriole!
Back in my yard, the pomegranates are blooming!
I went back to Galveston 2 days in a row, just could not help myself. What better exercise than walking around with camera and binoculars in hand, for hours! Is this a red eyed vireo?
Another Magnolia!
Can you spot the Common Night Hawk resting on the branch?
Perhaps the most common bird in the woods this day was the Grey Catbird!
There were also several Swainson's Thrushes.
See how tiny but intricate the Black Throated Green Warbler is - standing on a twig.
Yikes, trouble in the woods!! Hopefullly the Cooper's Hawk will find a nice tasty mouse instead of one of these birds for lunch!
Ok, last Sunday I HAD to get back out birding, but there was a very strong SOUTH wind ... so I decided to go to Anahuac NWR to look for shore birds. Near the entrance to the park I found some Lark Sparrows.
But here is what I was really after: the Clapper Rail!!
This Killdeer would harass the Clapper Rail every time it came out of the reeds! It was pretty funny to watch him run.

There were also King Rails here, they are more colorful.
Woa, what a day! Here is the secretive Sora!
Lots of Dickcissels too!
Isn't he cute!!!? This is the Least Bittern. Is it sitting on a nest?
I sure hope not, because he may have some problems with the downstairs neighbor!!!!
Most of the gators at the refuge died when the storm surge from Hurricane Ike came here 2 years ago (saltwater)... but the gators are coming back. Amazing to think that this is 20 miles inland and still got the surge!
I saw lots of gators in front of what looks like a den! Anyone care to peek inside?
I saw lots of Common Moorhens, but not one Purple Gallinule (guess I need to go back soon :) )
This is bizarre. This Red Winged Blackbird had apparently impaled itself on a barbed wire fence! Whoops!
It had been a great day though... went back through Galveston on the ferry, and wahoo! there was a Magnificent Frigatebird flying overhead. I can't wait to get back out birding soon!