Sunday, May 15, 2011

GREAT birding in Galveston

Funny how a north wind always blows me down to Galveston!! I am in the process of going through hundreds of photos from my great trip to Junction, but in the meantime I had to get one more birding adventure in Galveston since this may be the last one of the spring migration. Had a great day, and I hope you enjoy these photos. First, a lovely female American Redstart.This gal is a Bay Breasted Warbler, downing a bug. She certainly deserves it after the long flight in!
The male is amazing with these colors!
I am sorry but this Magnolia Warbler is just amazingly beautiful! WOW!
Am I getting "the look" ???? We had a nice rain 2 days ago, for the first time in months! I didn't remember these huge flowers being in my special woods - but the yellow warblers loved gleaning bugs from here. Seeing these beautiful birds in the flowers was just good medicine for me!

This is my kind of bouquet!

Love it!
I saw the yellow hat so this must be a Chestnut sided Warbler!
What happens if you use a flash on a Red-eyed Vireo? He gets blue eyes!!HAHAHere is what they are supposed to look like!
EEKS, an empid.... I think this is a yellow bellied flycatcher - but who knows. He sure is cute!
OH, I was hoping to see a Blackburnian Warbler!
I shot these photos in raw and really liked the detail that came through - even on this Black & White Warbler. They really are incredible birds, aren't they!
The Gulf is nice and blue on days with the north wind. Lots of Brown Pelicans fishing.

Well, I hope to get some of my Junction photos up soon so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. Very nice Angela! Love those warblers. I got a nice shot of a Cape May in our yard yesterday evening. The other few in the gallery immediately following that are from Forest Lawn Cemetery in Buffalo. -Carl
