Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Houston's El Franco Lee Park

Never though highs in the upper 80's would make me think fall had arrived, but it felt refreshingly cool out there after such a brutally hot summer. I went over to check out El Franco Lee Park at midday and was pleased to find the blue-gray gnatcatchers so abundant!I walked down a path with a rapidly drying out pond on one side, and woods on the other. I was delighted to find some Wilson's Warblers foraging.
These blue gray gnatcatchers are so tiny, only 4 1/2" and they don't hold still for long!
I think this is an Alder Flycatcher, taking a quick break.
Mottled Ducks were abundant too.
I think this is a Nutria, for it was huge. I am guessing it weighed over 10 pounds. Ugh.
This is not a good photo but it does vouch that I saw a tail bobbing Northern Waterthrush.
Yikes I need help with this, is it a Least Flycatcher?
This is a female Wilson's Warbler.
I don't know why they named this a Red Bellied Woodpecker, but that is what this is.

We need some rain desperately. My prayers are with the firefighters and displaced families.

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