Monday, January 30, 2012

parakeets in the park

I have gotten behind on my posts. Last week I took Dana & Tanya on a fun trip to Galveston, trying to make birders out of them, haha. We found some Brown Pelicans along 61st Street.What fun to ride on the ferry when there is not a long wait! There was a traffic jam of boats in the channel, and lots of birds.
Today I tried to cheer myself up by going to the park to watch more birds. Well, actually the Killdeer was watching me...
They are so cute.
Along the Parkway I found a "raft" of Black-Bellied Whistling Ducks.
Since the rain last week, my marsh has filled up with water - and Green Winged Teal!
The closer I get, the better he looks!

The Harrier would fly over now and then, and the whole group of ducks would take off.
I can't say that I would blame them.
I also saw pintails, blue winged teal, mallards, and this Northern Shoveler.
The Kestrels were also perched on patrol.
This one caught what I think was a mouse.

It didn't look right - a pine tree full of Monk Parakeets?
These landed 10 feet from me!
They are almost a neon green underneath.
It is amazing how green everything turned with our 2" of rain last week.

I knew a walk in the park would do me good!

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