Sunday, January 6, 2013

A few birds from Galveston

Had fun last Friday taking some dear folks to see the ocean for the first we headed to the Bolivar Ferry in Galveston.  I was surprised to find a Ruddy Turnstone also hitching a ride on it!
He sure is a cutie!

As usual, lots of birds follow the ferry so you can get some decent pictures of Herring Gulls, 
Forster's terns, 
and Brown Pelicans dodging all the Laughing Gulls.
I really love the detail on these Brown Pelicans.
Back on land, I noticed a huge "conspiracy" of Black Skimmers...hundreds of them, 
until some kid's dog ran up and chased them   :-( 

Over on the beach I found a Ring billed Gull,

Notice the tiny Sanderling...
Here is what Ruddy Turnstone's are supposed to be doing, foraging on sand for food.
Hmmm, I think this is a juvenile Ring Billed Gull.
I need to spend more time down here and hope to in the near future.

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