Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This is a Eurasian collared dove, hanging out on the phone line, and scoping out the bird feeder...

I was staring at this hybiscus, wishing a hummingbird would come for lunch.

Wow, the answer to my prayer!!

In fact a pair came, what a beautiful green the male is! It happened so fast I didn't have time to set the camera to a faster speed.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Crested caracara

YEA!! I brought my little point and shoot along to do some errands, and decided to drive by the road where I had seen 3 Crested Caracaras perched in a tree on a rainy day. Ta-dah!! This afternoon there were 2 in the field. This one is an adult, see how the throat is solid white?

This one is a juvenile, you can see the throat has streaks on it. Unfortunately it was really far away... and in a restricted field so I couldn't get closer. These birds live pretty much only along the Texas coast, Mexico, and a few in Florida.

Monday, September 21, 2009

September birds in Galveston

Very big osprey on the telephone pole!!
Check out his claws, helpful for catching fish!

This was osprey #2

White ibis', laughing gull, and mystery bird...


Osprey #3

Yahoo, a white-tailed kite!

Must be blue-winged teal.

Since the bill is long, I think he is a greater yellowlegs :)

Kind of cute, isn't he?

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Polyphemus moth, on my lemon tree.
How did he find it?

This male rubythroat was in Salamanca, NY

Cute female ruby-throated
hummingbird taking a break in my yard!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

I am thinking this is a marsh wren because of the brown patch on the back. SOO cute.

This is a yellow warbler, the only one with an all yellow tail.

Here is the imfamous bear we saw in Alleghany State Park, near the stone castle!! When we first saw him he was pretty close to the car. AWESOME!

(I think he smelled the leftover lasagna in my trunk....)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

couple new and a couple favorites

Some white pelicans

red shouldered hawk in my yard

Very big water mocassin in Mary's creek

A wood duck family!

A barred owl in my neighborhood

A very confused turkey, gobbling in 104 heat in June in Coleman

The bird most like myself: a yellowbilled cuckoo :)

Mississippi kites in Coleman TX

A wood thrush

Nice Osprey with his lunch.

Lovely Kirtland's warbler

Handsome snowy egret

And I thought I was having a bad hair day!

Guess green herons can have them too.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Evening bike ride on a rainy day

What a beauty!

These may be mottled ducks -

I guess this is loch ness....

I think this is a young great blue heron

Is this a lesser yellowlegs?

This great egret must have a sore neck....