Monday, September 7, 2009

A ride down to Galveston

As always I love the reflection of a bird in the water. This roseate spoonbill was sweeping with the massive bill from side to side, gobbling up tasty muck from the pond. It was sad to see so many of the brackish marshes that were full of birds last year at this time were today completely dried up. Love the stilt too.
These scissortails were nesting up on this heavy duty power line...

This is not the greatest shot but it is a green kingfisher.

These brown pelicans were hilarious along the seawall, flying along effortlessly with their 4' wingspan, then dive bombing into the water to catch a fish in their pouch.

I think this is an immature Bonaparte's Gull, and also a young neotropic cormorant hanging out on a pier.

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