Saturday, February 13, 2010

odds and ends from January and February

Here are some odds and ends from the past few weeks. First, some photos...

Here is a pair of red-shouldered hawks!
I believe this was the first spotted sandpiper I have seen along the creek near my neighborhood. I always enjoy having the American Goldfinches in my yard!! (Sad about the nearly dead orange tree :( - hope it recovers in the spring!)

Another American Goldfinch waiting his turn at my feeder...

For my friends in the frozen north this will be a good sign: ROBINS!!! These are very late for my first sighting, but they are on the move! I love hearing them.

This yellow-rumped Warbler was at Challenger 7 Memorial Park.

Not the greatest shot of a Northern Flicker.

I guess this possum looked cute with its pink cheeks... it was a very big one in Challenger 7 Memorial Park. (I don't think they are so cute when they are in my backyard)

I also found this squadron of white ibis feeding!

Now, for some videos.

The White Ibis must have really been hungry.
Wonder why that one was in such a hurry? :)

These next two show Snowy Egrets feeding - they wiggle their colorful feet like a lure!

I saw this Red-shouldered Hawk flying, of course as soon as I turned off the video the second one flew up into the tree.

The Spotted Sandpiper pretty much continually bobs its tail as it walks.
Even if the weather is dreary you can almost always find some interesting wildlife out there!

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