Monday, August 2, 2010

Last day of Arizona birding

Well here are a few more shots from our last day . We hiked up Madera canyon to find the beautiful Elegant Trogon.... but first we spotted a beautiful Broad Billed Hummingbird.
These Lesser Goldfinch are a bit different than the American Goldfinch I get in my backyard in Texas.Here is the golden bird - the Elegant Trogon. Sorry the photo does not show the deep green of his head.
I was sad to learn he was calling, calling, calling, but there were no females to be found in this canyon. If he does not nest successfully he might not return to this beautiful canyon.
After spotting the target bird, we were able to enjoy this Hermit Thrush, who sang his beautiful song for us. I wish I had recorded it!

This was my first ever Varied Bunting photo!!Later we saw this young Gray Hawk, you can see he is changing over from the juvenile brown to the adult gray color.
The scenery was spectacular.
This is the elusive Blue Grosbeak. Yea, this year has turned into the year of the blue guys!!!

We ended the day owling up in the canyon - viewing a Whip-por-will and a Whiskered Screech Owl. Driving back to the hotel we saw this toxic toad - the venomous Sonoran Desert Toad.
Well, these were just a few of the highlights of a wonderful trip to SE Arizona. I would definitely enjoy a longer stay next time!! Now I am changing gears again, getting ready for a quick trip to western NY state, so stay tuned!

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