Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Long time since my last post!

In spite of the rain, there was a lot going in my backyard today... this Gulf Fritillary seemed more beautiful than usual with the overcast sky!

I had many juvenile cardinals at my feeders too, I think there are 6 youngsters from 2 successful clutches learning to feed themselves... she was waiting for the gang of white winged doves to leave the feeder.
This young cardinal is looking quite handsome! I could see the adult male watching them from further back in my yard. I have been totally impressed with the devotion of the cardinal pair to their young.

The Ruby-throated hummingbirds were enjoying the Turk's cap. The yard was buzzing with hummers, fattening up so they can migrate south soon. :( I will miss them!
This walking stick was in my Mom's freshly painted (by me) garage - does anyone know which end is up? Wonder what he was doing in there anyway, since walking sticks eat leaves!

I rode my bike over to the high school, and noticed they had mowed the whole pond. Still there were a lot of birds at the retention pond - synchronized feeding by the white ibis' - and a little blue heron checking things out.This unfortunate turtle was flattened by the mower - very sad to see.
How many bird species can you find here?
Sure hope the yellow crowned night herons were done nesting before the mowing...
...as well as the Killdeer.

My beagles evacuated to the hallway during the thunderstorm, but didn't seem to mind too much!


  1. Okay: we see a snowy egret, great egret, black necked stilt, yellow crowned night heron and white ibis! Did we miss any?
