Monday, October 18, 2010

Taking a break from painting

Ok, we had the choice of continuing the painting marathon, or accepting an invitation from friends to go pontooning on Grand Lake, so off we went :) This spider was having lunch near the boat dock - anyone know what kind it is?
Boy, I asked if there were any birds on the lake, and so off we went to a roosting area for migrating Double Crested Cormorants. 100's of them enjoying a nice 70 degree sunny day.
There were lots of White pelicans coming in too.
This was just amazing, watching them diving for fish and roosting up in the trees! They eat so many fish they are a problem here!

A Herring gull, enjoying the beautiful day.

How tiny the double crested cormorants and ring billed gulls look next to the white pelicans!
This great blue Heron was well camouflaged along the rocks.
The leaves are just starting to turn in NE Oklahoma.
Here is a nice country lane with mailboxes (we counted 38 but they would not all fit in the photo!).

Click to play a couple videos of the birds here at Grand Lake.

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