Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Well, Thanksgiving has come and gone... I didn't have fast enough internet to upload these wild turkeys who were hiding in the woods on Thanksgiving Day.
This little Black Crested Titmouse was far off, but I was very happy to find it!

While up near Abilene, a cold front dropped the temperature from 82 to 22... It has been terribly dry in this area, and so I had great birding along one of the shrinking ponds on the place. Here is a beautiful hermit thrush.
Wow, I was delighted to find a spotted Towhee visiting with this Cardinal.
Isn't he beautiful!!!
Unlike people, the birds didn't seem to mind sharing the little water that remains in the pond.
I think this is a song sparrow.
Before my trip to the Abilene area, I was up in NE Oklahoma (painting)... ok, I was birding out the window as I was painting... this is the Tufted Titmouse.
The Northern Flicker was digging up bugs.
He is really colorful!
The dark eyed juncos were also hunting bugs on the ground.

The Eastern Bluebird always stops me in my tracks.
And I love the funny sound of the White Breasted Nuthatch. They do not hold still, ever.
Grand Lake at sunset is quite a sight to see...
Mmmmmm, white pelicans and fall color! A good combination.

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