Thursday, February 10, 2011

snow dogs

Not possible to have water in the bird bath when it is -22!!!

So the poor birds just wandered around...
Meanwhile, a couple dogs were acting like they were missing someone, naughtily chewing up part of a tree branch.
I tried to give them a carrot to chew, but they preferred trees.
A handsome dog!
Looks like a snowman laying down on the swing! Glad some melting is happening!
These two love to wrestle in the snow.
Anyone have a roof rake?

Click below for a couple short videos of the dogs.

,Had some trouble with the videos, the camera kept freezing up!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Crazy snow

Well, lots more snow last night! I set a box on the back porch and filled it with seed. This cold swamp sparrow hopped right in!
I also set out a pan of seeds on the front porch, and the porch was quickly covered with bird tracks. I had dark eyed juncos, cardinals, fox sparrows, house finches, tufted titmice, and even a northern flicker in a feeding frenzy.

Ugh. This is Dana's house.
This is getting ridiculous, isn't it?
This is poor Buster's house!
Anyone want to go swinging?
Buster LOVED this!
He patrolled while I tried to find Dana's cars.
Some of the drifts were up to the windows.
Fortunately this was dry snow that brushed off with a broom.
This was the first time I have seen a dog making snow dog angels. Click below to see Buster running...... what can you do but put another log on the fire, and make some chicken soup?