Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Crazy snow

Well, lots more snow last night! I set a box on the back porch and filled it with seed. This cold swamp sparrow hopped right in!
I also set out a pan of seeds on the front porch, and the porch was quickly covered with bird tracks. I had dark eyed juncos, cardinals, fox sparrows, house finches, tufted titmice, and even a northern flicker in a feeding frenzy.

Ugh. This is Dana's house.
This is getting ridiculous, isn't it?
This is poor Buster's house!
Anyone want to go swinging?
Buster LOVED this!
He patrolled while I tried to find Dana's cars.
Some of the drifts were up to the windows.
Fortunately this was dry snow that brushed off with a broom.
This was the first time I have seen a dog making snow dog angels. Click below to see Buster running...... what can you do but put another log on the fire, and make some chicken soup?

1 comment:

  1. I love the photos of Buster! Where's Drujok? Was he buried under the snow! You can come here too an make snow angels, but I'm getting mighty tired of the white stuff. 5 weeks till spring!!
