Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Songbirds on the move

I could not resist going birding with the beautiful weather we have this week... went to my favorite spot and was excited to find a pitch of about 75 orioles coming in for a meal after their long journey! It was about half Baltimore Orioles, and...and half Orchard Orioles.
Boy it is tough to photograph these hungry birds, they don't hold still very long! This is the Warbling Vireo.
You can almost always find a scissortailed flycatcher, but I think they are too cute.
My first yellow billed Cuckoo of the year!
This is a Tri-colored Heron, working his pond and showing off the beautiful plumage.
This Western Willet just snagged a little crab.
This is a little blue Heron.
Back to the woods today, this cutie had me stumped... I think it is a female Northern Parula.
YEA! A female Hooded Warbler.
Happiness is a Hooded Warbler in the binoculars!!!
This Northern Waterthrush was bobbing around in the weeds.

This Black & White Warbler is truly defying gravity.
This is a female Kentucky Warbler, she just had a bath in the pond.
What a wonderful walk!

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