Sunday, April 17, 2011

Well I knew Friday would be a great birding day, with a stiff north wind blowing and keeping the birds around! I started on the east side of Galveston Island, and noticed this silly laughing gull hitching a ride on a feeding brown Pelican. Here the Pelican was swallowing a fish! Along the shores, I noticed this Forsters' Tern.
Lots of interesting birds were hanging out on the shore line, from right to left (hey, I have reprogrammed my mind to read Hebrew....) is a Sandwich Tern, juvie laughing Gull, Western Willet, and Forsters Tern.
Right along the ship channel, I noticed this tiny Least Tern, which is a robin sized tern.
Next I drove west to about the middle of the Island to see what was happening at the Cove... the Rosette Spoonbill looks prehistoric flying around!
Lots going on in the pond, first a Long Billed Dowitcher.
Then I entered the woods... WOWOWOW, it was hopping with warblers. First up was a female Hooded Warbler.
I didn't have to go very far when the Blue Winged Warbler came into view.
Then I stationed myself along a water drip, and for the next hour or so I had warblers coming in pretty much non stop. There were lots of Black Throated Green Warblers...
...and the Painted Bunting always takes my breath away with its incredible beauty.
I had Tennessee Warblers....
...along with Yellow Throated Warblers,
even some Nashville Warblers coming in for a drink and a bath.
Here is the Worm Eating Warbler.
It was mind boggling to see the trees so full of beautiful birds. Here is the Yellow Warbler along with a Black Throated Green (which may have been the most numerous species of the day).
They are just amazingly beautiful.
It was just wonderful to see all these amazing birds. Painted Buntings everywhere,
and the birds didn't seem too shy.
I hated to leave. As I was walking back out to my car, I entered a marshy area again, and spotted this Green Heron.
Looking back to the woods I could see lots of Indigo Buntings resting up in the trees (my kind of trees!!)
Hmm, this is an Eastern Pondhawk, very intricate isn't it!
Whoops, this is out of sequence, but I couldn't leave out the Summer Tanager. He is a cutie!
Then I drove around the island a bit, and noticed some ponds had Semi Palmated Plovers
It had been a fantastic birding day. This Scissortailed Flycatcher was telling me to come back soon! I think I will.

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