Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Enjoying sparrows and other birds

Yesterday I was dodging rain, hail and tornados in a state with an extreme drought....go figure! I started at El Franco Lee, enjoyed watching both the blue and green winged teal scatter when a Harrier got too close! (I would too). It is beautiful to watch the whole group take off.There were several loggerhead shrike around the marsh.
The yellow-rumped warblers have returned in force!
Here is the Texas state bird enjoying a feeding frenzy.
There were a few Vesper Sparrows foraging on the ground. They have great camouflage.

The colors in the Savannah sparrows seemed extra brilliant.
Watch out for the Cooper's Hawk!
No these are not lovebirds, they are a pair of Crested Caracaras. (UGH)
Off to the San Jacinto Monument to find a Ruddy duck!
See how much bigger the White Pelicans are than the Brown!

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