Wednesday, November 30, 2011

shrike vs. snake

It was just a perfect weather day, so I went out to check out the birds at the marsh. I saw this Loggerhead Shrike fly down from his perch to some ruts that someone left after attempting to drive on the mud (not me!).At once there was a battle, as it was Shrike vs. snake.
The Shrike quickly bit the head of the snake, which tried to retreat back into a hole.
This determined bird kept pulling!
Seems he would get a bit tired, stop, then try again.
Success at last! This was so amazing to watch, as the snake was much longer than the bird. It flew far away to a nice spot to eat its meal.
I saw several Field Sparrows out and about.
They are so beautiful!

Lots of birds out in the marsh, including these Northern Shovelers...
And there was a handsome Little Blue Heron working hard.
Lots of Yellow-rumped warblers were flitting about too.
I have muddy boots, but sure had fun out there today.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, I miss those field sparrows and little song. The shrike series is amazing! Nice shots, Angela!
