Sunday, December 18, 2011

Pasadena TX Dec 2011

Yesterday I enjoyed a wonderful day birding at the Armand Bayou Nature Center christmas bird count. We walked for hours counting all the birds we saw, and when we were tired we birded by car. FUN! I was trying to get photos when the birds were close enough.

Here are some of the birds we saw, starting with a field sparrow.

This is a chipping sparrow, which looks funny with the shadow on its tail!

This was a big Downy woodpecker.
We walked on a wonderful trail thriving with many different woodpeckers. Here is a juvenile Yellow Bellied Sapsucker. He blends right into the tree!It really is a beautiful bird, and it even flew down for a closer view.
These mystery sparrows turned out to be field sparrows. It is tough to get a decent photo when the target is so tiny and far away. At least it is enough to id the birds.
We were treated to a lovely song by this white throated sparrow.This is a rear end shot of the cute Eastern Phoebe.

Every now and then we would look up and see wonders such as this majestic Red-tailed hawk.
The ruby crowned kinglets were too busy to hold still for me.
We saw many Orange Crowned Warblers.
Here is an adult Yellow bellied Sapsucker.
Fortunately no alligators were seen, only this red eared slider in the reptile department.
This very cooperative Savannah sparrow posed for us for quite a while.
Then he flew up into a nearby bush..."look ma, no hands!"
What a great fall day.
One of the last birds of the day was another field sparrow.

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