Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Car birding on a cold day

F I N A L L Y some cold weather has arrived - so, here is what one can find (if you are looking in the right place!). First, this picture was 2 days ago, as I was leaving El Franco Lee Park I noticed these Monk Parakeets feeding on the ground. Pretty great camouflage, wouldn't you say!?Then, my trip yesterday down to Galveston Island. I along the way to find this Semipalmated Plover in the marshlands along the freeway.
I drove around the Island, looking for birds I could photograph out the window! I am thinking this is an Eastern Willet.
The Reddish Egret didn't mind the wind so much as me.
Ah, a Spotted Sandpiper!
Must be winter, because I wasn't the only LOON along the bayou....
I like all the detail in this Ringbilled Gull. It was nice of it to pose for me.
Aha! I was hoping to find some Sandhill Cranes!
Here is a tiny Bufflehead.
More Sandhill Cranes! This may be a family with their youngster.
There was even a Ruby Crowned Kinglet chirping in the thickets.
But this was the golden bird - a Harris Sparrow in Galveston!?!?
Well, no, actually two. What beauties.
Here are a couple Ruddy Turnstones, and maybe the funniest looking Laughing Gull I have ever seen.
This is a juvenile Laughing Gull on the right, and another Ring billed on the left.
This silly Ruddy Turnstone was hopping around for several minutes on one foot. I was concerned it was injured, but then it started walking on 2 feet. It looked like it was having fun...
... and so did I. Great to sneak away for a couple hours of birding by car!

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