Thursday, February 9, 2012

road trip to San Diego

Here are a few photos from my recent and too quick weekend in San Diego. I sure enjoyed the beautiful beaches, filled with birds for me find. Here is the western gull.And there were two Herrmann's Gulls! It looks like they have lipstick on!
Neat bird!
I believe this is the winter plumage of the Bonaparte's Gull.
I walked along these lovely beaches every morning, yikes the water was cold.
Lots of hardy souls were out in the surf. Wish I could have recorded the pounding waves.

Brown Pelicans were hovering over the water.
Hmm, long billed curlews were digging around the sand.
I didn't realize I would find Snowy Egrets here!
This is a Whimbrel in flight.
What a neat bird.

This is a Black Phoebe, doing sortis on the beach.
I don't know how the plants grow in the cliffs.
I guess this was the first time I have seen someone carrying their surf board on a bike!
I saw lots of hummingbirds, this one is the Costa's.
This is the california version of the Song Sparrow, very beautiful.
And the Yellowrumps were chattering away.
If the sun was just right you could see the beautiful purple iridescence of the Costa's hummingbird.
Now this one is probably an Anna's hummingbird.
California gulls sure are a brilliant white.
Ahh, birds of paradise out in the landscape :)

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