Saturday, July 28, 2012

A quick drive through the park

It was pretty hot today, upper 90's so I did a little car birding in a park 10 minutes from my house.  First I found these Killdeer having a family conference.
The  young White Ibis don't have their white feathers yet!

 It was  hot today but fortunately there were no mosquitos.  Is this a glossy Ibis?
 This guy is a juvenile Little Blue Heron.  The "blue" comes later!
 What lovely eyes he has!
 The marsh was really overgrown.  I did find this young Yellow Crowned Night Heron.  It looked just like a shadow, never moved.
 Notice the "tongue" of the bumblebee.

 Not too many birds, but lots of dragonflies.  Here is a Golden Winged Skimmer, really neat up close.

Friday, July 27, 2012

A few yard birds this evening

I haven't been birding in this hot weather, so I stepped into the backyard with the camera and found this White Wing Dove, one of a gang that keeps emptying my feeders as fast as I fill them up.  Hey, easy on the eyeliner!
 Well, ok, I guess since they are feeding their young....
 I have several cardinals around.  I love to watch the males as they are such devoted caregivers to their families.  They are the first ones up in the morning and the last ones at dusk.  Here he has a tasty mealy worm...
 ...which he fed to this youngster.

 Isn't the juvenile a cutie?
 Typical teen, hungry already.  Love the hairdo.
 I have been seeing Mississippi Kite flyovers recently, yesterday 4 were circling overhead.
 Wow, all this in 5 minutes?  I need to get out with the camera more often.