Saturday, July 28, 2012

A quick drive through the park

It was pretty hot today, upper 90's so I did a little car birding in a park 10 minutes from my house.  First I found these Killdeer having a family conference.
The  young White Ibis don't have their white feathers yet!

 It was  hot today but fortunately there were no mosquitos.  Is this a glossy Ibis?
 This guy is a juvenile Little Blue Heron.  The "blue" comes later!
 What lovely eyes he has!
 The marsh was really overgrown.  I did find this young Yellow Crowned Night Heron.  It looked just like a shadow, never moved.
 Notice the "tongue" of the bumblebee.

 Not too many birds, but lots of dragonflies.  Here is a Golden Winged Skimmer, really neat up close.

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