Friday, September 21, 2012

Photos from Oklahoma and more

This was my first American Goldfinch in Mom's Illinois yard.
 Off to Oklahoma, where I enjoyed watching the birds and butterflies from Mom's pink room.  I think this is a variation of Spicebush Swallowtail.
 This is the beautiful Gulf Fritillary.
 The Zinnia is beautiful too!

 Nice to see the Catbird in the yard!
 Red breasted nuthatches are here early this fall.

A two bluebird day is a good day.

 Amazing that they can survive in drought.

 Budget cuts must have hit Oklahoma parks as they are making deer feeders from old paint buckets.
 I love hearing the White Breasted Nuthatches, they were happy to find seeds at our feeders.
 I could hear a couple Eastern Phoebe's in the woods near the house...
 ...and a Tufted Titmouse.
 Today I noticed this Red Shouldered Hawk watching my feeder!  Hope he goes for a rat and not a dove!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Car birding sights

What else can you do when it is 98 but go car birding?  Here at Brazoria Co. Wildlife Refuge I found Black Terns.
 I didn't mean to scare this family of Black Necked Stilts...
 .. but aren't they cute flying!?!?!
 There were so many birds here, I had to be careful driving along the narrow road with water on both sides of me.

 I really didn't want to go off the road here.
 Lots of Blue Winged Teal around!

 And the beautiful Rosette Spoonbills.

I found a White faced Ibis, with a Willet.

 Here is a juvenile Anhinga with its dagger bill.
 Pied billed Grebes looked like little periscopes.

I'm not 100% sure but perhaps this is an Alder Flycatcher.

 Orchard orioles are making their way southbound.
 Eastern Wood Pewee?
This was declared to be a Brewster's Warbler.
 Here we have an Olive Sided Flycatcher.
 And a beautiful Red Eyed Vireo.
 If birding gets slow, you can find amazing dragonflies, like this Blue Dasher.
 I noticed this dolphin at the Quintana Jetty, it was following a huge ship and playing in the wake.
 That fin sure catches the eye!
 I see one Least Tern, several Black Terns, and one Ringbill Gull.
 This dude is a Glossy Ibis.

 Hmm, yellow legs, so this must be a Least Sandpiper.

 Looks prehistoric!

Here is a family of Black Bellied Whistling Ducks,

 along with feeding Black Terns.

 Brown Pelicans aren't too shy, it flew near me.

 I was surprised to see the Wood Storks resting up in the tree, I thought they had all migrated away already.
 I see they shared the tree with a Great Egret.
 This Tri-colored Heron sure has beautiful color!
 Are we molting or just not feeling too good today?  Maybe this is a teenage  Great Tailed Grackle.