Sunday, September 2, 2012

Car birding sights

What else can you do when it is 98 but go car birding?  Here at Brazoria Co. Wildlife Refuge I found Black Terns.
 I didn't mean to scare this family of Black Necked Stilts...
 .. but aren't they cute flying!?!?!
 There were so many birds here, I had to be careful driving along the narrow road with water on both sides of me.

 I really didn't want to go off the road here.
 Lots of Blue Winged Teal around!

 And the beautiful Rosette Spoonbills.

I found a White faced Ibis, with a Willet.

 Here is a juvenile Anhinga with its dagger bill.
 Pied billed Grebes looked like little periscopes.

I'm not 100% sure but perhaps this is an Alder Flycatcher.

 Orchard orioles are making their way southbound.
 Eastern Wood Pewee?
This was declared to be a Brewster's Warbler.
 Here we have an Olive Sided Flycatcher.
 And a beautiful Red Eyed Vireo.
 If birding gets slow, you can find amazing dragonflies, like this Blue Dasher.
 I noticed this dolphin at the Quintana Jetty, it was following a huge ship and playing in the wake.
 That fin sure catches the eye!
 I see one Least Tern, several Black Terns, and one Ringbill Gull.
 This dude is a Glossy Ibis.

 Hmm, yellow legs, so this must be a Least Sandpiper.

 Looks prehistoric!

Here is a family of Black Bellied Whistling Ducks,

 along with feeding Black Terns.

 Brown Pelicans aren't too shy, it flew near me.

 I was surprised to see the Wood Storks resting up in the tree, I thought they had all migrated away already.
 I see they shared the tree with a Great Egret.
 This Tri-colored Heron sure has beautiful color!
 Are we molting or just not feeling too good today?  Maybe this is a teenage  Great Tailed Grackle.

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