Had fun in Laredo, TX, recently, started out early one morning on Houston St. in the square where Green Parakeets roost !
Then we wandered around the Rio Grande 1/2 the morning, searching for White-Collared Seedeaters in the tall grass. Isn't that what normal people would do? It was a bonus that every bird that flew over was also added to our Mexican list! But alas, no Seedeaters were seen this morning. (Fortunately no illegal aliens were seen either.)
Soon it was joined by another.
We saw many hummers, this is a Ruby Crowned, and we also saw Black Chinned hummingbirds.
Couch's kingbirds were all around.
Ever see one fly?We went to one of the few wetlands and found some scrawny White tailed deer. Lardeo has suffered during this long drought.
Pied Billed Grebe
Bullock's oriole
Hooded Oriole
Chihuahuan Raven
Crested Caracaras
Juvenile Crested Caracara flying.
Chihuahuan Raven
Bullock's oriole
Great Crested flycatcher
Nashville Warbler
This was a private moment... a Bronzed Cowbird did a little dance, trying to impress his lady friend.
Long billed Thrasher
Blue gray gnatcatcher.
Painted Bunting
Long Billed Thrasher
Couch's Kingbird
Day 2 of my meeting started again with Green Parakeets first thing in the morning (better than coffee!!) See them roosting in the corner of this building?
Sadly there was so much trash in Laredo, plastic bags everywhere.
Great crested flycatcher
This Great Kiskadee landed in a tree that was already occupied by an Osprey... I know they eat fish but it had to be terrifying to turn around and see that behind you!
A couple of Rough-Winged Swallows
Nice Blue Winged Teal pair
Spotted Sandpiper doing his dance.
Some graffiti, with a Black Phoebe
Sad that these beautiful birds have to live in all the trash.
Great crested flycatcher
Clay colored sparrow
THE PRIZE - a White collared Seedeater !!
We walked under the bridge that crossed the Rio Grande into Mexico, and there were hundreds of Cliff Swallows building nests on the sides of the bridge.
It brought back some memories, as Andy & I crossed that bridge once on a mission trip when he was in high school.
Loved the Couch's Kingbirds
Swainson's hawk
House Finch
Bronzed Cowbird
Couch's kingbird
Surprise birds of the day, 2 northern Bobwhites
Last bird of the day - a Lincoln's sparrow.