Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Nothing beats Laffite's Cove in Galveston

These photos are not in any particular order - just a sampling of some of the birds you can find in Galveston during the migration.  These were all taken yesterday.

 Common Loon, itching to get her flight feathers and take off!
 Rose breasted Grosbeak

Red eyed vireo

Blue gray gnatcatcher
Ruby throated hummingbird
Chipping sparrow
angry Chipping sparrow
Inca dove
Wilson's warbler
Ruby throated drone

tired Brown Thrasher
Painted bunting
Orchard oriole
Tennessee warblers

female Rose breasted Grosbeak
Orange crowned warbler
Male Pileated Woodpecker leaving nest (this was in Friendswood)
Black throated Green Warbler

Blackpoll Warbler

Cerulean warblers stole the show yesterday.

More Brown Thrashers

Gray Catbird

Ladder-backed woodpecker

Green Anole
Great Egret swallowing a Green Anole, not necessarily the same one!

Audubon's Yellow-rumped Warbler, singing very sweetly.
Swainson's Thrush

Indigo Bunting
Black and White Warbler
Yellow Crowned Night Heron (from Friendswood)

Gray Catbird

Another ruby throated hummingbird

Love the Indigo Buntings that can light up a tree from a great distance.

Summer Tanager

Scarlet Tanager, wanting to rinse off the salt after flying over the gulf of Mexico nonstop!

Young summer tanager morphing into adult plumage
Another black and white warbler!

Back on the Seawall the Ruddy Turnstone's were looking sharp.

Laughing gulls

Did one fall off?

Juvenile Willit looking awfully cute.   What a fun day!


  1. Excellent variety! Did you see my long-eared owl shot from Sunday? http://www.pbase.com/csquared63/image/149680221
