Saturday, April 6, 2013

Wonderful time birding in Jerusalem!

In case anyone was wondering what I have been up to lately, here are a few photos from my recent trip  (#9) to Israel.  It was a great opportunity to spend a week in Jerusalem with a friend. Surely one of the highlights was to personally deliver 2 boxes of our ladies group's handmade quilts to the Joseph's Storehouse ministry who will distribute them to some needy folks in Israel.  While I was there I explored the Jerusalem Bird Observatory   ( see ) on several  morning walks.  It was fabulous to catch the migration of 3 continents as well as the resident birds.  I didn't have my good camera, just the point and shoot, but sure enjoyed seeing so many great birds.  I will just list the name under the photo.
 Yellow vented bulbul
 Hooded crow
 Eurasian jay, getting some water from the irrigation system!
 My favorite, the Hoopoe

This Pied Kingfisher was in Tel Aviv, along the Yarkon River.

 The only woodpecker in Israel is the Syrian Woodpecker.

 Even the blackbirds are interesting.
 The Jerusalem Bird Observatory is a very neat place!
 Corn bunting

 Even the House sparrows looked handsome here (where they belong).

 Lesser Whitethroat
 This is the Jackdaw, a beautiful crow-like bird with blue eyes.
 Eurasian Siskin
 Spring in Jerusalem was beautiful, poppies and wildflowers everywhere.
 Near the grounds of the J.B.O. we found a small cemetery.  It is a custom in the near east to put a stone as a token of a visit to remember a loved one who has passed away.

This menorah is near the park, across from the Knesset building.
 Rose-ringed parakeets
 These are tiny future olives

 Yellow vented bulbuls kept flying into my line of sight.
 The Laughing dove, a common but beautiful bird.
 This rose is pretty much perfection.  
 Would sure love to have one of these in my yard!
 Lesser whitethroat
 This is the lovely view in the J.B.O. bird blind.  I totally enjoyed my limited time there.
 Great Tit
 Remember the name of this one?  Yellow vented bulbul
 This young man knows his birds.  Here he has banded (ok, they call it ringing) a Willow Warbler.  He was telling me about the great birding in Beit Shean, where he found about 250 birds in one day during a spring migration!
 This is the female Eurasian Siskin
 Syrian Serin
 Hey, how did that House Sparrow get in there?

Best bird of the trip was this Wryneck, indeed some of the staff at the J.B.O. had never seen one either! It is a beautiful woodpecker-like bird that can move its head around like a snake.  It has a long tongue to slurp up ants, its favorite food.

The Wryneck has incredible camouflage.

Ok, next time I will bring my good camera.  I am dreaming about the Hula valley for the fall migration....

1 comment:

  1. Great photos! Looks like a fun trip. So many beautiful birds. The Wryneck is amazing!
