Monday, November 30, 2009

Harris' sparrow, warblers, blue-bird, pileated

WOW!! I was out walking and noticed this new kid on the block... I didn't know what it was but knew I had never seen one before. Turns out it is a Harris' Sparrow, and they are quite uncommon around here. This youngster was born in the upper areas of Canada, and came a little further south for wintering than usual... (in other words, be sure you have a warm winter coat!!!)
He is quite gorgeous!!

Here is the resident red-bellied woodpecker in my neighborhood.

Here is a beautiful male eastern bluebird.

This must be the year of the pileated, I see them frequently after not seeing any for a long time!
I thought this turned out cool even though auto focus doesn't always focus on what you want! (look what she is doing to the tree!!!)

Warblers are tough to identify (at least for me) but I think these 4 are all Yellow-rumped Warblers... Since they are the most common fall warbler down here, that seems like a safe bet.

Anyway, wow, it is a pleasure to see the beautiful colors and to appreciate how far these tiny creatures have flown!

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