Tuesday, November 24, 2009


A funny thing happened on my walk tonight... it was a bit overcast and kind of dark for taking pictures, so I decided to take my better camera along with a bigger f-stop but less of a zoom. I noticed this tree with a cooper's hawk sitting there....

I moved over to lean on a fence to steady the camera when suddenly the hawk took off as another large shape was flying towards the tree...

Wow, this one was a bigger, red-shouldered hawk, that chased the smaller one away from this choice perch overlooking Mary's creek!

I continued walking a couple miles, and on the way back suddenly I looked up, and in a tree not 10' away from me, and 6 feet off the ground, was this most beautiful bird!

It was sure a good thing I had the camera set right, for this Red-Shouldered Hawk was gone in 2 seconds. Beautiful, isn't it! Wow.

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