Wednesday, January 26, 2011

some recent winter birds

Sure enjoyed my trip to Italy!!! Feral pigeons are much more dramatic when they pose for you on a lion!
I saw some amazing details on buildings!
This lucky pigeon gets to live in Rome!
... this one was in the vatican!
I preferred the country - this is the European Great Tit, near Biccari.

And this is his cousin, the Blue Tit. Beautiful!
This chiffchaff was flitting around the town square of Biccari.
Back to Rome, here is the Yellow Legged Gull posing for me on a winged lion!
This is a friendly Black-Headed Gull in Venice.
This was one of my favorites, a Black-necked Grebe in Venice!
After my return home, I confirmed that yes my toe was indeed broken in 2 places... so here are a few shots from my backyard: the beautiful Yellow-rumped Warbler.
This American Goldfinch male has his winter outfit on... loves the thistle in the feeder.
This is the American Goldfinch female in her winter dress.
YEA - a lovely Pine Warbler enjoying some seeds.
BOO - these are 2 of the most evil of all birds: Brown Headed Cowbirds . I do not want these in my yard, as they lay eggs in warbler nests causing havoc and threatening the existence of many tiny birds. How do I get rid of these parasites????

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