Thursday, March 15, 2012


We're having some unseasonably warm weather so I decided to go to the coast to see what it would be like to go birding there with no mosquitos! (It was great!!!) This Red Admiral was also out enjoying the fabulous lantana!So beautiful!

Ever wish you could just shed your skin and start over?
Not too many warblers are here yet in huge numbers except the Yellow Rumps!
I drove around the island and found some Grasshopper Sparrows.
The yellow armpit is something I had never noticed before!

The Eastern Phoebe was just singing away.
Kestrels were on patrol too!
I noticed some Redheaded Ducks in the marsh.
Boy are those legs red! This is the White Ibis!
Best bird of the day was this Harris Sparrow, one of 3 I saw today.
It is a handsome bird!
He just thought he could hide from me in the grass.
Two Belted Kingfishers flew over!
It makes for a great day to see TWO in one day, today I saw THREE!

There are always Western Willets around.
Hmm, what is this down in the grass?
It is a field sparrow!
Someone's pier was absolutely covered with birds, Laughing Gulls, Marbled Godwits, Willets, American Oystercatchers, and more!
The Oyster catchers seemed to be planning their strategy for their next meal.

There is one royal tern here!
It had been a royal couple hours seeing all these birds and enjoying such nice weather.

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