Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring is here!

I wanted to upload a few photos before the reality of Daylight savings time hits me hard... I headed down to Galveston looking for early spring migrants - and was shocked to find a pheasant roaming around :) Especially since I had searched for one recently in Wisconsin and Minnesota. He looks to be a fresh escapee from a hunting camp (glad he got away and hope it survives out there!)There were a few sandhill cranes still foraging before their long flight north.
I had seconds to take a picture through the windshield, as a surprise Clapper Rail darted out in the street.
Car birding in mosquito country is the way to go - here is a Tri colored Heron
Who could resist Lafitte's Cove, I was looking for early warblers, but found this gorgeous Ruby Throated hummingbird resting on a branch.

This is for sure the first photo I have ever snapped of a hummingbird BLINKING!
When the light catches him the right way, the color is terrific!
This anole could not decide if it wanted to be Green or Brown today (must be a female!).
What a beautiful tiny white butterfly, I don't know what it is.
My first Red Eyed Vireo of the year!
Here's a beautiful Brown Thrasher up in a tree.
Finally I got a glimpse of the Eastern Phoebe I had been hearing!
I love the Snowy Egrets and their dancing shoes.
Along the seawall I found one Ruddy Turnstone.
I am excited that I did see one Black & White Warbler and heard some Yellowthroats and Northern Parula, but I will have to go back down there soon to get some photos!

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