Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Exploring Southmost preserve, TX

You know it will be a good birding day when one of the first birds of the day is a peregrine falcon, having his breakfast. This is an inca dove, looks like it is wearing scale armor.
Isn't this one beautiful? This is a Solitary Sandpiper. True to his name, it was alone in the marsh.
The beautiful butterflies of the Rio Grande area were a pleasant surprise. This is a Mexican Blue Wing, it looks like stained glass!

I liked this cross stich hanging in the Resaca de la Palma State Park gift shop :)

This was a nice pair of Altimira Orioles. Wow, amazing color.

This was such a peaceful spot.

The only reptile we saw (Ok, except for the alligators, THANK YOU LORD!) was this tree lizard sunning. There is nothing like a leisurely walk through the woods!!

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