Tuesday, January 5, 2010

trip to Oklahoma

I never could resist a snow pile, even if it is in a Wal-Mart parking lot. I am SO glad I brought my warm down coat.

Who says you can't go birding in the winter? Here is what I found in Oklahoma recently.

Now these are my kind of tree ornaments!!! Eastern meadowlarks:

Cardinals are common but beautiful with the snow!!

My car did NOT appreciate being outside in 13 degree weather. (My windshield wiper fluid froze)

I have never seen as many red-tailed hawks in one day as I did driving up there and back. This one flew over to a tree near me, then swooped down to catch his dinner.

I think this is the scarecrow to keep the birds away from the chicken feed - I didn't notice it until I was uploading the photos!!! (Does not appear to be a very good scarecrow) This is a tufted-titmouse

The red-headed woodpeckers were all over the park! What a brilliant red it is!

When I first arrived I noticed several eastern meadowlarks looking for food... they knew a snow storm was coming.

Is it just me or is this field sparrow awfully cute?

I think this is a song sparrow.When I first arrived there was just a little snow, was I ever surprised to find a southern leopard frog playing in it - it was about 20 degrees when I took the photo!!! (He doesn't have a down coat, but was hopping around anyway!) This is NOT a scarecrow.

This is a very cute white-crowned sparrow, in first year plumage.

Another young white-crowned sparrow.

The dark-eyed juncos migrate from Canada or Alaska to winter in the lower 48.

Birds are amazing!

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