Wednesday, January 20, 2010

wonderful birding in south Texas

I cannot really describe the beauty of these birds, it was a delight to see each one. This first one is an Altamira Oriole.
This yellow one is a Great Kiskadee

This is the Green Jay, maybe the one we most wanted to find.

The Audubon's Oriole!

Common ground doves

Black crested titmouse

I never got tired of seeing Orange-Crowned Warblers, which were numerous!

This is a male Pyrrhuloxia

A view of the mountains of northern Mexico from Falcon State Park, TX

4 happy people after seeing so many wonderful birds in one day!

Stunning buff-bellied hummingbird

This was so funny, a male cardinal attacking his reflection in a hub cap!! (Sometimes we are our own worst enemy)... click to watch!

I will post more tomorrow...

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