Sunday, January 31, 2010

more Weslaco Texas birds

I am still amazed by all the birds we saw on this last trip - here are a few more that were taken 2 weeks ago on our last day with the guides. This first one is a Couch's kingbird. This is not the greatest photo of a Vermillion flycatcher...
The American Coot is really quite interesting up close!

Here is JOE COOL i.e. the Blacked-necked-Stilt surfing on a Gadwall.... :)

My guess is a Stilt Sandpiper. WRONG - it is a spotted Sandpiper. :)
I think this is a female Gadwall.

This is a fascinating Common Pauraque, snoozing in the grass so well camouflaged it doesn't have to worry!

My first lark sparrow!

Whoever named this the "Plain Chachalaca" was out of their mind... it is anything but plain!

Ever felt that you had bit off more than you could chew? This Anhinga was confidently preparing his lunch.

Click to watch!

Showing off for the turtle?

I believe this is an American Pipet.

Talk about inflicting damage to self esteem, how would you like to be named a "Lesser Yellowlegs?"

Ok, here is where it gets VERY difficult to identify... I think it is a Least Sandpiper. Never knew there were so many sandpipers, but they really are an intricate piece of work!!!

This was just awesome to see - the tiny TROPICAL PARULA dining on oranges along with a couple orange-crowned warblers! It is only about 4 1/2" long but with amazing color!

I guess this is the southern version of the Blue-gray gnatcatcher - he is also about 4 1/2" long!

Ugh, you do see javelinas in south Texas .... at least this time we were not surrounded by a pack of them.

Is this exquisite or what? A Buff-Bellied Hummingbird resting.

Ok, I think this bird is wondering who in their right mind could name this tiny 4 1/2" creature a "Northern Beardless-Tyrannulet?"

Here is the Northern Beardless Tyrannulet :)

We saw lots of Orange Crowned Warblers!

Here we were, trudging through tropical rainforests searching for Parakeets ...NOT! This was in a Walgreen's parking lot in Mission, Tx! Probably 300-500 Green Parakeets!

This was incredible!

Henrey noticed that the one on the right here was different than the others - it turned out to be an Aztec (Olive-throated ) Parakeet!

Click here to hear what 500 Green Parakeets sound like!
Goodnight to the Great tailed Grackles - it had been an unbelievable day!

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