Friday, March 19, 2010

just what I needed in Galveston!

I just had to get back at birding, especially when I heard that the migration was underway... so I headed down to Galveston, for a sunny 64 degree beautiful day. First I saw this cute blue-gray gnatcatcher (he is only about 4 1/2" long).

Black and white warblers defy gravity searching for bugs in the bark...

They are beautiful!

I have to say this is the bird I very much wanted to find today - the Prothonotary Warbler!! It did not seem to mind me being there at all.

He was playing hide and seek!!! What a sight for sore eyes!

Is this a masterful work of art or what!?

Absolutely lovely!

This little guy with the yellow spectacles is a Yellow-throated Vireo. He was singing away!

What a gorgeous bird.

Now you see him, now you don't. This is prime Yellow-throated Vireo habitat :)

(next time get the edge)

Here I am!!

I made a circle around Lafitte's cove, and saw these Blue-Winged Teal in the marsh.

Unusual pattern on a Yellow-rumped Warbler!

This little cutie almost landed on me - a friendly Yellow-throated Warbler!

He is exquisite up close!

The shadows in the woods can play tricks, but I think this is a northern Parula. Brilliant colors!!!
See how tiny it is compared with the dandelion blooms?

The birds all seemed content having a nice place to feed in the middle of Galveston Island. There are not many wooded areas left after Ike.

This was a surprise too - a White-eyed Vireo. Each bird today seemed to be especially breathtaking. Wow. Our Creator has surely given us a taste of Eden once again!!!

A closer look (cropping software is a good thing...)

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