Friday, March 26, 2010

relaxing on Galveston Island

Ok, where to start? Birding in Galveston with no mosquitos (yet)sounded awfully inviting, so off I went. I think these might be Eastern Willets - they were having a serious conversation as one looks like it is getting fussed at by the other!

Any guesses as to what this guy is? He was in the flats just before the causeway crosses over to the island.

There were zillions of blue-gray gnatcatchers zipping around the tree tops ... (I have the sore neck muscles to prove it)... they are so tiny, only 4 1/2" long. (see the video below).

I spotted these 2 contented looking Inca Doves.

Beautiful butterflies were also out in force. I think this one may be a Goatweed Leafwing butterfly.

But the Hooded Warblers ruled this day, singing for me!

They are absolutely breathtaking.

They kept landing closer and closer - cheering me up with their song.

Hope you enjoy the videos, they are meant to give hope to my northern friends, that spring is indeed coming!

The little Blue-gray gnatcatchers and yellowrumped warblers were constantly on the move.

I stopped at a little beach on the way home, noticed these gulls enjoying a bath.

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