Monday, March 15, 2010

Kirtland's warbler

How about a trip down memory lane? Last June I traveled to Michigan to find the endangered Kirtland's warblers with my sister and 2 nephews. First we found a chipping sparrow.
Then we heard some lovely singing, and saw our first Kirtland's warblers!

They only nest in young jack pine forests. What a beautiful song he had!

It was early June and the trees were just beginning to bud!

Later we visted a couple parks, where we found this lovely Rose-Breasted Grosbeak.

This is my first ever Evening Grosbeak.

Those jaws mean business!

This is the female Evening Grosbeak.

This is a male Purple Finch.

I think this one is the female Purple Finch.

As cute as can be, here is the White Breasted Nuthatch.

Here are my birding buddies!

I was so glad to be able to meet Arlene in person, after being in an online class together for many months. Turns out we really are kindred spirits!

What a great day!

We got some great looks at a pair of Pileated Woodpeckers, feeding young ones in their tree.

The Scarlet Tanager is just stunningly beautiful!

We really enjoyed the spring flowers too.

This prayer was inside the chapel in the state park! (AMEN)

We never did figure out why the chipmunk was sitting on top of this stick - it doesn't look too comfy...

I am blessed to have help from my nephews to identify this correctly as a Hermit Thrush (thanks Henrey!!).

Spring was anxious to get going, and the woods had tiny flowers popping out everywhere.

I think this is a pink lady's slipper, kind of rare.

We noticed this common loon in a wilderness area (the bird most like me?) and also noticed the bear claw marks on the tree. Suzy and I didn't mention this little fact to each other until we finished our hike :) There is just something wonderful in the call of a loon.

On our drive south we stopped at a small lake and found a Pied Billed Grebe...

... and an Osprey with lunch.

There was one chick in the Osprey nest!

Mama Mallard was taking the kids out for a swim.

The Barn swallows were quite striking up close.

We had a terrific time, and looking at the pictures makes me want to get back out in the woods!

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