Sunday, April 25, 2010

bird migration in Galveston going strong!

I have so many pictures to post I don't know where to start... this is possibly my favorite of the day: a juvenile Neotropic Cormorant. He looks so cute with the big feet!
I took my afternoon walk in Galveston again today, wow! I never ceased to be amazed by the beautiful colors of these migrating birds.
How is this for eye candy - a Painted Bunting with a female Blue Grosbeak!

I noticed many mixed groups of birds feeding, on the right is a male Indigo Bunting, female Painted Bunting, and the lower left is a female Scarlet Tanager. Hmm, what is the little gray one at the top left?

I just was mesmerized by the colors!

This is a Tennessee Warbler, sorry he wouldn't pose but you can see a hint of the beautiful green on his side.

Walking along the cove I was happy to see this White-faced Ibis...

...and my first ever Wilson's Phalaropes.

I never knew the Blue winged teals had such large families.

The strong winds carried in my first Dickcissels of the year.

Talk about good camouflage - this is a female Black and White Warbler. I have many more photos to sort through, so stay tuned!!

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