Monday, April 5, 2010

more spring birds

Well, I confess, I went birding again today. The weather is just tooooo nice to stay indoors. No humidity and no mosquitos, and a nice breeze too.
This first one is an American Goldfinch, changing into his breeding plumage.

This is the female Orchard Oriole, who looks nothing like male, who is red and black.

I had about 5 seconds with this Brown Thrasher, it would not pose as I had hoped but you can still see the beautiful colors.

What I thought was a Tennessee Warbler was really a red-eyed Vireo.

Getting this one in focus was a real challenge, he never stays in one place very long. This little Ruby-Crowned Kinglet is only about 4".

Very sweet little bird!

I crossed the Wilson Snipe threshhold the other day, today I actually saw 3 of them.

I think this very little bird is a Pectoral Sandpiper.

I stopped to watch the Brown Pelicans feeding.

Not a periscope, but an Anahinga popped up!

Ok, time for a quiz! How many birds can you identify in this picture? Some are very well camoflaged!
If you don't see 8, count again!

Here are a couple videos of the pelicans diving and feeding.

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