Saturday, April 3, 2010

photos from the last 2 weeks

I did several short walks through parks, and a couple long ones, so here are some photos from the past couple weeks. First, a pair of northern shovelers.
Dancing with the ring-billed gulls...

How about a nice mottled duck family, chatting with a blue winged teal! (Maybe he got a little too close.)

The male yellow-rumped warblers are getting brighter colors!

Don't ask me what this is? Maybe a new species called "Tuftless titmouse?"

Why is it when you look for snipes you don't find them... but here is a poor picture of the Wilson's Snipe. Ok, it was pretty far away!

I have no idea but Henrey says this
is a lesser yellowlegs!

I never get tired of seeing Roseate Spoonbills, they are brilliant this time of year.

2 Inca Doves.
These are cute! Small too, only about 7-8" long.

Common loon, male.

Common loon, female (the bird I most resemble?!)

I don't think the box turtle wanted me to take its picture.

Even the common grackles are looking good!

This orchard oriole was my first of the year, in Galveston.

This red-bellied woodpecker was in Challenger 7 park in League City...

 was this very cooperative Carolina Wren.

The white-winged doves LOVE to clean out my feeders.

Trouble happens when squirrels come into my yard...

The dogs will not stand for this!
(they jump instead) :)

Rosie can nearly fly, and she also climbs trees!

Meanwhile back to the park, where this Savannah Sparrow was busy feeding.

Blue-gray gnatcatchers were scouring the trees for insects.
They don't seem to mind gravity too much!

Even the Cedar Waxwings are still here.

I found this little crab in the brackish waters. They look so funny as they slide around sideways.

Here is why I do not swim in the ocean... this one was dead on the shore but you sure do not want to get too close to a stingray.

And, just when you thought it was safe to go in the water.. well actually this is a harmless yellow banded water snake.

He was less than 2' long but really not a bad looking creature.

There is lots of nature out there to enjoy.... get out in the woods!

PS... I am still on my quest to find a Blue Grosbeak this year...

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